Humans have a need to belong and feel welcome. We as a species have always had this need and we feel it is important. People want to feel welcome. Not saying it's bad to want to belong, because I want to belong with other people as well. However sometimes people lose sight of what life is meant to be and get caught up worrying about the superficial side of belonging, it becomes more about being "cool".
I've seen people completely change themselves and their beliefs to "fit in with the crowd" and I've seen some things that I know the Lord would not approve of and that takes you away from the path to Heaven. People want to fit in so they treat another person in a terrible manner to be a part of a group, or they partake in illegal activities to fit in. Celebrities drastically alter their looks to become more attractive. All of these are the types of ways the world will try to conform you, but you have the power to say "no" to the world! Here's what God has to say about conforming:
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God" Romans 12:2
God wants us to change the way we think so we can show the world what is good and acceptable to Him and His vision of perfect. We don't need to be like the world to prove whats good in God's eyes. There's really no point in conforming to the world according to this verse:
"And those who use this world as not misusing it. For the form of this world is passing away." 1 Corinthians 7:31
Use the world for the right purpose. Because the world as we no it will be gone some day. Pleasing humans is nothing compared to pleasing God.
Posted by Desi